A Best of List:
Best place to meet a rich husband: Monte Carlo
Best food and wine: A three way tie, Barcelona, Athens and Florence
Most romantic: Mykonos
Most surprising city: Istanbul
Most spectacular drive: Naples
Best tour and tour guide: Rome
Best city to get lost in: Barcelona
Most Educational: Pompeii, Ephesus and Istanbul
Most friendly: Athens
Most historic treasures: Istanbul and Rome
Most beautiful: Another tie, Venice and Mykonos
I learned the most from Ephesus, since I hadn't even heard of the city much less known of lost ancient city. I loved the lost city but I was not impressed with the Virgin Mary's house or St. Johns supposed church.
This trip has meant so much to me, I can remember studying ancient civilizations and wondering what it would be like to live in those times. Standing in the Coliseum I could imagine the gladiators doing battle. I loved this trip and I loved the cruise. Which stops would I go back and visit? Rome, Florence, Athens, Barcelona, Mykonos, and Istanbul.
Top Ten Things I Learned:
1. I learned that you don't need guided tours in Mykonos, Venice or Monte Carlo, you can easily do those on your own. I'd recommend a tour for the other cities simply because it's so easy and they really pack in the most must do stops, plus you never get lost.
2. I learned a lot about the beliefs of Islam and how a few evil men tainted a religion.
3. I learned that gay men can be just a prissy and bitchy as any woman.
4. I learned that far too many people have died and cities have been looted in the name of religion.
5. I learned that some people have way too much but most have way too little.
6. I learned every city in the world has a McDonald's and a Subway.
7. I learned that the only thing worse than flying is not to travel because of fear.
8. I learned that the Greeks and the Turks are similar to the Jets and Sharks of West Side Story.
9. I learned that the contents of the Topaki Palace in Istanbul could feed the world for 100 years.
10. I learned that no matter what, "There's no Place Like Home."
Thank you for reading my blog. I do hope you enjoyed it and please feel free to share it with anyone you think would be interested.
I will NEVER see these things in person. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. We are living through your adventure!